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About Me

I’m Kim Krost and before there was a Sprigs and Moss, I owned a natural wellness business called Integrative Healing Institute®, with my daughter, in our hometown of San Antonio Texas. The future of our twenty-year old business changed in 2021, when I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. I knew that if I was going to beat the cancer, my new full-time job would have to be concentrating on my own personal wellness. We made the decision to shift to an E-commerce company to sell our wellness products, and closed our retail location. I began treatment that week. 


I had always been blessed with excellent health, so the chemotherapy and radiation symptoms were challenging. They also provided time for rest and reflection. During that period, I remembered the happiness that I felt when making fairy houses and fairy furniture when my children were in grade school and then later with my granddaughter. When my body began to recover, I decided to distract myself by getting creative again. Building fairy houses was the perfect outlet. 


I’ve been cancer-free since July of 2022, and I feel great. I’ve even returned to seeing clients again a few days a week. The rest of the week, I am busy making fairy houses for people like you. They bring me a lot of joy and I hope that they will do the same for you. 


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